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Bubblers Workshops & Seminars

Please note that lectures are for the development of Bubble Artists. There are lots of other activities for family & friends to attend during the festival.

Photos are permitted however videos of the lectures are NOT permitted.  Please bring a pen & notepad.


Monday 9th September - Venue Tudor Arms Conference Room

Tom Noddy 

Steve Langley

Eran Backler 

Sterling Johnson 

Gary Pearlman

Thomas Altman 

Tuesday - 10th September - Venue  Tudor Arms Conference Room

Medow Perry

Thomas Altman

Eran Backler 

Caroline Cornelius - Jones

Gary Pearlman

Brian Lawrence

LECTURES & Full Class descriptions


Monday 9th of September 2024


10am -10.40am

Tom Noddy - His bubble stories followed by a question and answer


1100am -11.45am

Thomas Altman - Bubble Science


12.00 noon -1.00pm  Lunch Break


1.15pm - 2.15pm

Steve Langley  - Marketing your Act 


2.15pm - 3.15pm

Sterling Johnson/Gary Pearlman - The Art of Hand Bubbles (workshop)


3.30pm - 4.15pm

Eran Backler  - Helium Bubble (workshop)


7.00pm - Social Forum - Questions, ideas, tips, bubble chat & networking


Tuesday 10th September 2024


10.00am - 10.30am

Caroline Cornelius - Jones  (CJ The Bubble Girl) 

Psychology 101/Classroom Control Tips & How to adapt that into your show


10.45am - 11.15am

Thomas Altman - The Science of Light & Color  


11.30 - 12.30pm

Eran Backler/Meadow Perry -  Putting a Show Together 

Popping Personalities: Crafting your Character for a Dynamic Show


12.30 noon -1.30pm  Lunch Break


1.30pm - 2.00pm 

Gary Pearlman

Tricks, Tips & Bubble Toys - pointers & tips to help you!


2.15pm - 3.15pm

Meadow Perry

Quick Start Guide to Bubble Performance. 

Bubble history, bubble science, safety, bubble recipes, troubleshooting, hand bubbles, carousel(depending on time) Q&A


3.30pm - 4.30pm

Brian Lawrence

Making Nested Bubbles



Tom Noddy - Story Telling


The earliest large gatherings of bubble performers (Bubble Daze at science centers in San Francisco and Copenhagen) were organized to happen during Tom Noddy's previously arranged engagements at those institutions. That meant that Tom was busy with multiple performances and that kept him from taking full advantage of the workshops and other daytime events but he happily joined the social gatherings in the evenings. These generally involved large groups of us in restaurants. Tom was/is a natural storyteller and took great pleasure in sharing stories about the early days, when he knew of no other bubble performers. This led to an informal tradition of asking Tom to take some time at bubble events to just talk. If you already know Tom, you already know that it's something he does well and at length.

Meadow Perry & Eran Backler - Putting a Show together


The Show behind the Bubbles: Crafting Compelling Characters and Scripting your Show. Join Eran and Meadow for an engaging one-hour lecture on the art and craft of Character Design and Scripting. Delve into the creative process behind amplifying your persona and bringing memorable characters to life, from initial sketches to final designs. Eran will share insights on developing unique visual identities, exploring techniques for crafting compelling aesthetics and personalities. Meanwhile, Meadow will take you through the intricacies of scripting, demonstrating how to breathe life into characters through dynamic storytelling and dialogue. Together, they will reveal how the synergy between visual design and narrative scripting can create immersive and unforgettable experiences. This session is perfect for aspiring artists and performers eager to enhance their skills and understanding of character creation for a more dynamic and memorable bubble show.


Meadow Perry  - Quick Start Guide to Bubble Shows


This introductory session is a "Quick Start Guide" to bubble shows. This guide usually includes technique but since you’ll have opportunities to learn from some other Bubble Masters, I’ll be teaching important information that you need to know so you’ll be set up for success. - Content: Attendees will learn essential information including: -Why Bubble Shows? The History and Science Behind them. - Bubble Show Conditions: Understanding the ideal environments and settings for bubble shows. - The Emergency Supplies Kit - What you can use if you’re in a pinch and have to put on a show with just a trip to your local pharmacy and stores. - Managing Your Audience: Best practices to keep kids from becoming unruly and how to keep audiences engaged. - The Art of the Give-away - How to make Simple large Tri-String Wands. - Recipes to get you started TODAY



Thomas Altman - Bubble Science


My workshop will be an hour. The first half will be my typical presentation of the science leading up to why bubbles form spheres and how to make Tom Noddy's bubble cube. It will be an example of how I introduce and present the concepts to an audience. The second half will be question and answers about any of the physics involved in the bubble field... including why surface tension is not being understood properly.


Thomas Altman - The Science of Light & Color 


The science of light and color and what this 'interference' even means. This will be the first half of my light/color/ and lasers 'show' that I have been performing (to rave reviews) across the States at science conferences and school for 40 years. This program was so popular I was invited to be the featured speaker at the first ever Qatar physics conference and again 15 years later at the international Optics conference, also in Doha. I'm sure you will be amused. And you get manipulatives (education word for 'toys')

Steve Langley - Marketing your Act


“Marketing and Monetizing Your Act” Steve will share his years of knowledge and experience with you and help give you some solid information and ideas on ways that you can generate income with Bubbles! From simple marketing and promotional ideas to details on specific markets and how you can get involved in them and market and sell you act. This class is best for beginner to intermediate bubblers, but hopefully there will be beneficial information for bubblers at all levels.

Sterling Johnson & Gary Pearlman - The Art of Hand Bubbles (workshop)


This will be a hands-on and “hands-in” experience. Most bubble blowers use hands occasionally to blow bubbles. The purpose of the workshop is to eliminate bad habits and focus on how to make big bubbles quickly.

Caroline Cornelius - Jones - Classroom Control


Who's the BOSS? You are the BOSS! How to get kids to do what you want and to control unruly kids with out being the bad guy or a kill joy, during your show. CJ spent 1.5 years working as a special needs assistant in primary school classrooms and as a trained docent specialising in children's tours at The Ancient Civilizations Museum, Singapore. In her 20 minute lecture, she'll be covering 3 main areas; * Some Basic Kids Phycology * Laying the Ground Rules – start as you mean to go on. * Tip & Tricks for fun effective discipline. Plus 10 minutes Q&A (if time)

Eran Backler - Helium Bubble (workshop)


Helium Bubbles Work shop

In this workshop we will discuss the use of gases in bubble shows. We will focus on gases such as Helium & propane, discussing: setup, safety, sculpture possibilities and more. We will then have a play around creating helium bubbles and fill the space with bubbles soaring high! 

Brian Lawrence - Making Nested Bubbles


Most Bubble Artists can make a bubble-in-bubble.  But how about a Triple, a bubble-in-bubble-in-bubble?  Or a Quad (4)?  Quint (5)?  More?

With each level, the task becomes harder, going up in difficulty roughly exponentially.  We can see what the air there will bear, since that is the limiting factor in how many nested bubbles which can be done. You can try using my wands and juice, which are optimized for nested bubbles, and see how well you can do.  You can also learn to make an "Inverse Planetary Triple," similar to this one.

Inverse Planetary Triple.jpg
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